Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) courses are taught by UConn faculty members and leading experts, renowned for their cutting-edge work in the most current areas of engineering.
Advanced Systems Engineering

George Bollas, Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering

Syam P. Nukavarapu, Ph.D.

David Kaputa, Ph.D.
Chemical Engineering

Ranjan Srivastava, Ph.D.

Julia Valla, Ph.D.
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Maria Chrysochoou, Ph.D.

Jeongho Kim, Ph.D.

Timothy Vadas, Ph.D.
Computer Science and Engineering

Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Ph.D.

Joseph Johnson, Ph.D.
Electrical and Computer Engineering

John Chandy, Ph.D.

Shengli Zhou
Manufacturing Engineering

Horea Ilies, Ph.D.

Jiong Tang, Ph.D.
Materials Science and Engineering

Bryan Huey, Ph.D.

George Rossetti, Ph.D.

Horea Ilies, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering

Horea Ilies

Julian Norato
UConn College of Engineering Center for Advanced Engineering Education

Marko Dodig, Ph.D.

Jorge Montoya

Warren Osterndorf

David Tonn, Ph.D.