Workshop – The Future of Workplace is Here!

“The Future of Workplace is Here!” Maximizing the Hybrid Workplace for Effective and Efficient Communication and Collaboration

For engineers & manufacturers (or employees working in the engineering or manufacturing industry) that want (or need) to improve their formal presentation skills using more contemporary approaches. Today’s audiences want presentations that are compelling, memorable, and brief! The program will cover how to produce brief presentations that are engaging and will also introduce the principles of storytelling to help attendees turn their presentations into more memorable moments.

Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and apply best practices of virtual meetings with an emphasis on effective digital presentation norms
  • Understand the distinct affordances and characteristics of communication channels used within their organization and their influence on message impact and relational rapport
  • Apply theoretically grounded communication principles to identify and select the most effective and appropriate channels of communication given the sender, message, and receiver (audience).
  • Facilitate a shared understanding of hybrid communication norms and best practices within their team and/or workplace.
  • Identify the characteristics, advantages, and/or barriers to effective communication in multi-modal workplace meetings
    • Multi-modal refers to scenarios in which groups or teams come together to meet using multiple communication channels (e.g., face to face and virtual meeting software)
  • Apply a set of shared strategies with their team for overcoming barriers to effective communication in a multi-modal workplace setting (e.g., team meetings)

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female conducting a presentation in a workshop